The general conditions of sale are valid for all sales of U-tile products, and prevail over all general or specific purchasing conditions and / or over any printed or handwritten provision included in the buyer’s commercial documents, that these conditions / documents have been sent to the seller before or after the receipt of these Conditions by the buyer. Any order discount implies on the part of the customer the unconditional acceptance of these general conditions of sale



U-tile guarantees its products for a period of ten years, from the date of invoicing to the customer, indicated by a document with fiscal validity (ex: invoice). The accessories are guaranteed for a period of two years, from the date of invoicing to the customer, indicated by a document with fiscal validity (ex: invoice).

Products with manufacturing or material faults will be replaced free of charge or repaired by U-tile. Any other form of legal or conventional compensation, except the prescriptions of mandatory standards, is rejected.

A possible repair or possible replacement of the product will in no case give rise to an extension of the original warranty of the product or accessory, and the end of the warranty will occur at the end of the warranty period fixed at the time of the sale.

The warranty is not valid in the following cases:

– Failure to comply with the instructions and standards for correct use, as indicated in the technical documentation or the assembly instructions.

– Non-compliance with the conditions of use and maintenance, as indicated in the technical documentation or the assembly instructions.

– Product damaged by an unauthorized or professionally non-competent person

– Anomalies or damage created by a failure or malfunction of the electrical network

– Malfunction of the product linked to a thermal diagnostic error or a sizing error.

– Use of external parts and not of origin to U-tile products

– Damage caused by incidents, fires, natural disasters, disasters in general

– Deterioration during transport.

– Poor storage condition

Products / accessories / parts which are sent for repair to U-tile headquarters, and which would suffer possible damage during the journey, are not taken into account in the warranty



Orders will become a binding commitment only after presentation of the order confirmation by U-tile. Modifications may possibly be made to orders until they are put into production: these may give rise to delivery delays, and may be subject to overcharging, if the modifications imply it. An order cancellation is only possible with the consent of U-tile, and may possibly result in costs which will then be invoiced



Price changes are not subject to any notice. The prices are understood to be Franco for any order exceeding 20 000 Rand net before tax, and delivered in one go. If the order does not exceed 1 000 Rand net HT a contribution for transport and packaging costs will be invoiced by U-tile. Valid prices are those indicated by the most recent price list. The prices of the products do not include the accessories presented in the catalog. The prices are valid at the time of the firm and confirmed order


Payment Terms

The payment conditions fixed and indicated on the tax / commercial documents given to the buyer by U-tile, must be respected, even if delivery delays were to occur, unless written consent of U-tile. No modification of the amount (such as a credit note deduction not yet issued, or claims not yet recognized) is authorized by U-tile. Payments must be made, even when minor repairs that do not compromise the proper use of the radiator must be made. By express commitment, the obligation to pay falls to the customer even in the event of a dispute and whatever the nature and extent of this dispute.

Payments must be made in Euros. The default interest will automatically run from the day following the deadline fixed in the invoice, to the extent provided for in D.L. n ° 231 of 10/09/2002, in execution of the Dir. 2000/35 / CE which regulates late payments in commercial transactions. Fixed compensation for recovery costs: 40 euros. Decree n ° 2012-1115 dated 2 October 2012


Ownership clause

The products are the property of U-tile, as long as the customer has not paid the full amount invoiced. In the event of non-payment, partial or total, U-tile reserves the right to recover these products



U-tile packaging is designed to support any type of transport, as well as storage and redistribution operations. However, if specific packaging was required by the purchaser, U-tile reserves the right to invoice the additional costs involved in the packaging



Products / accessories travel at the risk of the recipient, despite the Franco sales conditions


Delivery delay

Delivery times are given for information only and may change depending on production peaks, problems inherent in transport.

To this extent, no compensation or cancellation of orders will be granted by U-tile in the event that a delay in delivery occurs. Events of force majeure such as strikes, lack of raw materials, other causes of force majeure, release U-tile from any peremptory delivery time, possibly set in derogation from the preceding paragraphs.


The goods must be checked by the customer on arrival. Any construction anomaly, or non-correspondence with the delivery documents, must be reported in writing to U-tile within 48 hours of receipt of the goods. Anomalies caused by a third party or the customer himself will not be admissible


Product Returns

The return of products to U-tile headquarters must be subject to a written agreement on the part of U-tile, and must be carried out under the following conditions:

– Free returns to U-tile headquarters, no product will be removed from the customer even by U-tile

– The product must be packed in suitable packaging for transport. Any anomaly caused by the transport of the return will cancel the coverage of the warranty


Technical Data-Tolerances

Technical information, drawings, diagrams, and various information (weight, dimensions, etc.) are indicative and may vary slightly.

U-tile reserves the right to modify and replace this data at any time without notice. Construction modifications also remain reserved


Court of competent jurisdiction

For any dispute, the sole competent court is that of the Supplier